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Insanity Epidemics: An Intro to Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu

Insanity Epidemics: An Intro to Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu

Pandemic is often touted as one of the best board game series of all time, and with good reason. As one of the earlier cooperative board games, Pandemic gave players the opportunity to work together to defeat the game itself rather than defeating each other. The increasing scale of difficulty and the various methods of losing the game offer a...

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Rolling for Brains: A Zombie Dice Spotlight

Rolling for Brains: A Zombie Dice Spotlight

One of the most important aspects of a game is replayability. Being able to play the same game over and over and still get the same enjoyment is the hallmark of a great game. Zombie Dice is the type of game where you and a bunch of friends can spend hours playing over and over, with no game ever being...

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