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Recovering from the Banhammer

Recovering from the Banhammer

With some of Standard’s most egregious offenders getting hit with the banhammer, it’s easy to think that the sky is falling, especially if you were playing either of the affected decks. Energy decks lose the backbone of their decks in Attune with Aether and Rogue Refiner, while Ramunap Red lose access to some of their reach with the banning of...

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Gifts from Orazca

Gifts from Orazca

With the spoilers for Rivals of Ixalan all wrapped up, numerous discussions have opened up about what this set means for Standard. Will UG Merfolk be viable? Are there enough dinosaurs to make that a deck? Will they finally do something about energy? While all of these will be answered in due time, there’s been one pressing question on my...

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