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Pledging Your Prerelease Allegiance

Pledging Your Prerelease Allegiance

Prereleases can be a bit daunting if you aren’t prepared. Every set brings new mechanics, new interactions, and endless ways of building your sealed pool and, by extension, endless ways you can get lost in the possibilities. Fortunately, like Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance prerelease kits are guild-focused to streamline the deck building decision. You simply select the guild you...

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Core (Set) Value

Core (Set) Value

Core sets have always been an invaluable tool for reprinting cards. They keep the cost of staple cards down by making more copies available, and can even be used to introduce previously non-Modern legal cards into the format, such as Rancor. Most importantly, they do it in a way that allows WotC to free up more space in other sets....

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