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Brawl for One, One for Brawl

Brawl for One, One for Brawl

With the announcement of Dominaria, Wizard of the Coast has done many things to shake up Standard. From sagas to legends in every pack to exclusive buy-a-box promos, what was once a seriously unbalanced format is in for a massive overhaul. In the process of doing this, one announcement also hit the table; the creation of a new format: Brawl....

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Prepare for Trouble and Make It Double

Prepare for Trouble and Make It Double

It takes a lot for me to get excited about a Boros commander. Traditionally it’s been the colour pairing of “Attack a lot with something large”. There’s no subtlety, and if I’m going that route I’d rather have a third colour and play a deck like Gishath, Sun’s Avatar. That’s why when WotC spoiled the new buy-a-box exclusive promo, Firesong...

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