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Spreading Like Wildfire

Spreading Like Wildfire

Modern doesn’t have to be expensive. In a format of midrange decks costing more than a rent check and sets of Chalice of the Void going for more than a car payment, it’s a daunting task to just jump in head first. If you’re smart about it, you can build an entire deck for less than a couple packs. Over...

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Minding Your Magus

Minding Your Magus

Mind’s Desire is a fun card. This is the motto of every degenerate Commander, Vintage, and “I’m old and remember Scourge” player out there. It’s the epitome of Magic insanity, routinely casting your entire deck in one turn. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your viewpoint), Mind’s Desire has been banned in Legacy since 2003, forcing Storm decks to set their...

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