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A Night at the Improv

A Night at the Improv

Mechanics that lower the cost on spells are dangerous. Historically, whenever there has been a way to cheat on mana costs, they have proven to be exceptionally powerful. Affinity, Cascade, and Eye of Ugin have each been so dominant and oppressive that they caused several bannings in their respective formats. Aether Revolt introduced another such mechanic, Improvise, though that was...

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Shiver Me Standard!

Shiver Me Standard!

Ever since the days of Legends, pirates have been a casual staple of Magic. From Ramirez DePietro to the Blue pirates of Mercadian Masques, pirate decks have stayed on the sidelines as other scoundrel creature types like rogues and assassins hogged the spotlight. All that changed when Ixalan was announced and the Jack Sparrows of the Magic community rejoiced. Not...

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