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The Path to Fun

The Path to Fun

Board games can be tricky if you’re starting out. Everyone gets into board games differently, be it learning from friends, watching a video or stream, or even just as an impulse purchase at the store. But not all board games are good for beginners, and getting bogged down with complex rules and cards can often put a damper on the...

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Insanity Epidemics: An Intro to Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu

Insanity Epidemics: An Intro to Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu

Pandemic is often touted as one of the best board game series of all time, and with good reason. As one of the earlier cooperative board games, Pandemic gave players the opportunity to work together to defeat the game itself rather than defeating each other. The increasing scale of difficulty and the various methods of losing the game offer a...

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