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What to Expect at GP Toronto: Combo Edition

What to Expect at GP Toronto: Combo Edition

Battling combo decks in Modern can be something of an enigma. There are some truly fast and persistent combinations of cards that win the game on the spot, and without something like Force of Will to police the format, defeating them really boils down to familiarity and interaction. Because so many of these decks can just win out of nowhere,...

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What to Expect at GP Toronto: Control Edition

What to Expect at GP Toronto: Control Edition

Control comes in many forms in Modern. When most players think of a control deck, the first thing to come to mind is a Blue deck chock full of counterspells, sweepers, and card draw. Miracles. They’re thinking of Legacy Miracles. However, due to the card pool and environment of Modern, these traditional control decks feel like shells of their Legacy...

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